Satellite validation international workshop
The AMT4SentinelFRM workshop took place between 20th - 21st June 2017 at the Jurys Inn Plymouth.
Click here to read the news article about the event.
A number of presentations from the workshop are available to download below:
Copernicus Sentinel Missions - Craig Donlan,
European Space Agency
Current status of the Sentinel-3 mission - Steffen Dransfield,
Sentinel-3 Mission Manager
Introduction to AMT - Andy Rees,
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Session 1
The Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) protocols and use in Satellite System Vicarious Calibration (SVC) - Dr Ken Voss,
University of Miami
FRM4SOC & FRM4STS: Data quality control and metrological traceability - Dr Andrew Banks,
National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
Autonomous marine hyperspectral radiometers for determining solar irradiances and aerosol optical properties - Dr Tim Smyth,
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
A new AERONET-OC site for the northern North Sea - Dr Rodney Forster,
University of Hull
Session 2
Challenges in atmospheric correction and vicarious calibration - Dr Constant Mazeran,
Evaluation and improvements of MERIS, OLCI and SLSTR Rrs in contrasted turbid waters - Cédric Jamet,
Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale
Session 3
Validation of multi-mission satellite ocean products in Coastal waters as part of the HIGHROC project - Dr David Doxaran,
Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche-sur-Mer
Ferry Ocean Colour Observation Systems – FOCOS, Dr Maycira Costa,
University of Victoria
Session 4
SLSTR Sea Surface Temperature: validation activities and first results - Anne O'Carroll,
The Monitoring and Evaluation of Thematic Information from Space (METIS) framework for validation of EUMETSAT SST products - Dr Prasanjit Dash,
Session 5
Keynote: C-Band radar - Dr Bertrand Chapron,
AMT4SentinelFRM: IFREMER project presentation - Louis Marie,
Twitter highlights
A number of tweets from the workshop are collated below.
You can also follow AMT4SentinelFRM on Twitter for periodic updates.